"To support the ongoing and long-term needs of VALLEYLIFE and its Members"
The VALLEYLIVE Foundation (VLF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that was formed in 1992 to "solely expand, improve, and maintain VALLEYLIFE." VLF was started with modest donations from individuals. VLF is the primary recipient of funds generated by VALLEYLIFE events and undesignated donations
VALLEYLIFE Foundation is the sole recipient of funds generated by VALLEYLIFE events and undesignated donations. Funding from VALLEYLIFE Foundations is used to provide unfunded needs for VALLEYLIFE Members. While these unfunded needs may not be essential for life, they are essential for ensuring the enhanced quality of life our VALLEYLIFE Members deserve.
The VALLEYLIFE Foundation investment portfolio, which is managed by an independent investment firm, provides additional funding to VALLEYLIFE on an as-needed basis. Foundation Board members have a fiduciary responsibility to oversee the management of the portfolio. The VALLEYLIFE Foundation's purpose is to ensure there are funds available for the long-term needs of VALLEYLIFE Members. VALLEYLIFE Members are primarily funded by the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD), but these funds have very specific parameters. Some costs to VALLEYLIFE do not fall into these parameters, but are necessary for the care and well-being of our Members.
The VALLEYLIFE Foundation Board works closely with VALLEYLIFE programs to understand the unique and individual needs of the Members. These needs are funded on an annual basis. Foundation Board members participate directly in the process to ensure they have a thorough understanding of Member needs and to develop clear goals and policies to meet those needs.
The VALLEYLIFE Foundation Spending Policy was enacted to provide equal benefits to present and future generations by providing for inflation and wise investing. The VALLEYLIFE Foundation Board of Directors will annually distribute 4% of a three-year rolling average of the market value of the fund. Based on expectations for long-term returns and inflation, the general investment guidelines of the funds will be in, or the equivalent of, an asset allocation portfolio equal to approximately 60% in equities and approximately $10,000.
In order to provide a sustainable level of income to support VALLEYLIFE while preserving the real (inflation-adjusted) purchasing power of the VALLEYLIFE Foundation, the VALLEYLIFE Foundation Board of Directors established the following spending policy with regard to the use of available VALLEYLIFE Foundation and endowment funds as follows:
Up to 4% of the total market value of the available funds may be distributed annually based upon a three-year rolling average. Distributions shall be calculated annually.
The percentage distributed shall be reviewed annually by the VALLEYLIFE Foundation Board of Directors and adjusted as appropriate according to the needs of the Foundation and the current market climate.
Should the VALLEYLIFE Foundation Board deem it necessary to exceed the 4% limit, the change must be approved by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the VALLEYLIFE Foundation Board of Directors
Should the suggested distribution result in a reduction of the real value of the endowment and reserve funds to a level below the adjusted real value, the VALLEYLIFE Board of Directors shall determine the percent or amount to be withdrawn.
Home Furnishings and Supplies
Replacement furniture and appliances
Patio Furniture
Medicine carts
Locking medicine and chemical cabinets
Home Safety and Services
Enhanced security features (cameras and sprinkler systems)
Pest control and removal
Landscaping and maintenance
ADA adaptations (ramps, guardrails, and handrails)
Spare equipment (shower chairs and benches)
Medical and Dental
PRN medicines (Advil, Ibuprofen, antibiotic cream, Pepto-Bismol)
Hoyer lifts/slings
Dental services
Prescription copays
Outings or Job-Specific Needs
Cost of staff tickets for outings
Transportation costs (insurance and upkeep)
Clothing for interviews and hygiene supplies
Bus passes
Job specific needs (work boots and test fees)
Additional Staffing/Equipment Needs
Costs associated with volunteers
Staff coverage at the hospital with a Member
Member health care case management
1142 W Hatcher Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85021
Phone: 602-371-0806
Fax: 602-944-8749